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CultureHouse improves livability in local communities by transforming underutilized spaces into vibrant social infrastructure.

Our process

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We work with community partners to identify pain points, opportunities, and scope projects.

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Community engagement

Through advisory groups and participatory action, we create plans that meet neighborhood criteria.

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Using tactical urbanist methods, we design and build spaces that are accessible and encourage interaction.

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We invite people into projects, provide programming, foster community, and collect data.

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Impact report

By analyzing qualitative and quantitative data, we document findings and provide a path forward for continued development.

Our work

Picture inside of the Bow Market pop-up

Community pop-ups

We work alongside communities to activate underused properties and transform them into pop-up public spaces that inspire long-term interventions.

Pallets, umbrellas, and chairs make a outdoor seating area in the courtyard of the Somerville Public Library

Special projects

We leverage our proven placemaking methodology to consult with partners on projects across our process focus areas.

A mother and her kids jump on trampolines at PARK(ing) Day

Test kitchen

We prototype concepts that bring joy and promote urban livability through creative exploration, collaborative learning, and knowledge sharing.

Work with us

Our services

Want to bring some CultureHouse magic to your neighborhood, vacant storefront, public space, or event? We work with community partners across our three programs. Reach out to us to learn more. No idea is too out there (we might regret saying that).

Community pop-ups

Looking to create a community space in your downtown? We can help you make it happen! We provide technical assistance and implementation across three phases; community engagement and research, pop-up space operation, and impact reporting. We tailor the project scope to meet your needs and goals. Fill out the interest form, and we’ll reach out with the next steps.

Special projects

We design and build creative, energetic, and human-scale installations and consult on creative placemaking projects. Whether it’s improving your current public space, making interactive elements for an event, or helping you conduct engagement, we will bring a quick, cheap, and beautiful approach that centers community.

Test kitchen

We’re always cooking up ideas and want to share them with you! We are available to speak at conferences and events about our work, run workshops on urban design, and lead guided urbanism tours. Or, why not partner with us to create a new idea of your own?

Create your own community pop-up

We created our pop-up community space concept to be adapted and iterated by others. We can help you create one in your community! Take a look at our Handbook to see how we created our first pop-up space and how you can open your own.

In the news

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