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The Unmasking of Negro Election Day and the Black Vote


    May 4 - 01:00 pm EDT


    May 28 - 08:00 pm EDT


    Salem United, Inc.


    CultureHouse Salem at Old Town Hall

    32 Derby Square

    Salem, MA

    The exhibition begins with the history of slavery and the arrival of Prince Pompey.  Then it travels through the life of Prince Pompey as a slave.  It moves to Pompey establishing the first Black voting system, called Negro Election Day. Then it gradually takes you through black voter suppression.  It returns to Negro Election Day today and what it stands for.  It introduces you to the Back American Heritage Flag of 1967 and ends with the Negro Election Day quilt.

    Doreen Wade is the President of Salem United, Inc. with six years serving as President.  When developing Salem United, Inc. in 2016 her mission for the Organization was to preserve, protect and build black history. Doreen Wade is a powerful force in Essex County and uses her positive attitude and tireless energy to encourage understanding the First Black Voting System, called Negro Election Day. Doreen is inspired by those around her and her community.